Words of Wisdom

Once upon a time, there was ONE week per year that I would take the time to read a book. One week, that is all. I loved this time of the year. Mom and I would sit on the deck overlooking with the lake in front of us, feet on the railing, wind brushing against our skin,…

Broccoli Salad with Lemon Dressing

Nutrition Highlights Broccoli:  Kale seems to receive several shout outs for its “superfood”  health benefits, but what about broccoli. Broccoli is a vegetable that is often over looked but contains lots of goods for your body! Here are some benefits:  Vitamin A – promotes eye health and the immune system Vitamin C – immune health and wound healing Vitamin K – blood…


Hi, I'm Sami, registered dietitian and owner of EatWise, LLC.  I am a connoisseur of coffee and avid food addict that thrives on spontaneous endeavors.


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